Grandezza starts a collaboration with Mike Florett

Grandezza has teamed up with MF Corporate and Mike Florett. We do this in order to further strengthen our ability to support our customers around change management. Through the collaboration with Mike, we further strengthens our ability to support our customers around the leadership and ensure that they can flexibly respond to changes that they can achieve sustainable results.

Mike Florette: ”I work to achieve effective work strategies and sustainability in work within change processes, leadership or employees. My mission is that you in the morning shall hear your emploees whistling in the corridor. Then you know that you have employees that last long time”.

When changes questioned what already exists, which means that change takes time. It is human relations, effective communication and strong teams that are building sustainable business. Mike tailors because all their missions with flair, breadth and experience. As a rhetorician, he highlights issues from multiple perspectives and helps customers unleash the energy and creativity to get new results. Leadership must be flexible to meet changes but also sustainable in order to make decisions that lead to sustainable results. It is about to be curious, be inspired and have a desire to develop. It is of importance and value to have the courage to think in new ways.

Mike is an author of three books and is educated at university in rhetoric, group psychology, leadership, coaching and organization. Han has runned his company for 30 years and have been a coach and mentor for companies and management at all levels. Mikes four perspectives are organization, individuals, team and leadership. Mike uses scientific methods and processes and create a fantastic good feeling atmosphere with the objective to take you from where you are - to where you want to bel!