Lars Hedberg
Lars is a management consultant and project manager and has extensive experience working with strategic and business issues. For Lars part of the consultant role is about daring to be visionary. As a leader of changing and improving work processes a common picture of the goal is very important.
— As a consultant, I can never hide. There are of course pros and cons but I am encouraged of expectations. Sometimes people think that this must be the consultant who will solve everything. But it's not true. I can pin point things, support and initiate the process. You can actually get a lot of result with very simple means.
— It is good to come from the outside. I may look at things from another point of view, and I'm not involved in different groups meaning I can act more freely. It allows me to question something that may have been an established truth for many years.
Lars Gundhe about Lars:
— Lars is a very experienced and driven project manager and business developer with great integrity and authority while he is responsive and listening to customers' requirements and preferences. He always delivers good results. I really appreciate to have Lars as a colleague.